The hot season in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico lasts for 4.5 months, from June 9 to October 26, with an average daily high temperature of 88°F or higher. July is the hottest month of the year, with a maximum average of 90°F and a minimum of 76°F. During winter, temperatures are quite comfortable with daily maximums averaging 79°F (26°C) and lows of 55°F (13°C). Summers are slightly warmer, with days reaching up to 86°F (30°C) and nights cooling to 69°F (21°C).Puerto Vallarta has a typical tropical climate, with constant temperature and humidity throughout the year.
The rainy season runs from June to mid-October, with virtually no precipitation for the rest of the year. Even during the rainy season, rain usually falls in short bursts, mostly at night, and most days are hot and dry. Tours and fishing trips are rarely affected by the weather in Puerto Vallarta. On October 25, 2002, a Category 5 hurricane dropped its storm surge over Puerto Vallarta.
Nighttime temperatures in Puerto Vallarta and Nuevo Vallarta range between 60 and mid-70s (19-24 ºC). The temperature in January can vary from 82°F to 91°F. Puerto Vallarta (as well as Nuevo Vallarta) is surrounded by jungle and receives considerable rainfall during the humid summer months. The ocean temperature is lower than other areas, making it ideal for activities such as swimming and surfing.
As humidity increases in the last few weeks of the month, the likelihood of rain will also increase, although only one rainy day in the month is the norm. This part of the year is recommended for those who want to avoid the high season in Puerto Vallarta and its high prices, but still enjoy a comfortable climate during their stay. Winters bring dry weather to Puerto Vallarta, with an average of just two days and one inch (23 millimeters) of rain per month. December is a wonderful month in Puerto Vallarta, warm and comfortable during the day and cool at night. To show what is possible, this is the total rainfall range that has been measured: the driest and the wettest per month.
Buy a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses and some sunscreen before going down to make sure you're prepared for any weather.